UWE horses

The Benefits of Horse Riding

We’ve all heard it: “The rider does nothing and the horse does all the work!”

As a rider, I wish this were true. I really, really do. However, it’s a sad fact of life that as soon as a riding hat is taken off, hair is wild and sweaty and faces are red.

IMG_15540728019628A report created by the British Horse Society (BHS) found that horse riding and activities associated with horse riding – such as mucking out a stable – are classified as moderate intensity exercises. This puts riding on the same health beneficial level as tennis, volleyball, cycling and swimming. Furthermore, regular periods of trotting in a session increases the energy used with the associated health benefits, as does riding without stirrups.

Moreover, those with a long-standing illness or disability were found to be “able to undertake horse riding and associated activities at the same self-reported level of frequency and physical intensity as those without such an illness or disability.” This makes horse riding a very inclusive sport.

There are also mental health benefits to horse riding. Horse riding was proven to stimulate mainly positive psychological feelings, and riders were found to be motivated to ride due to the sense of well-being gained when interacting with horses. Personally I find it empowering that half a tonne of animal agrees with my decision because they trust my judgement. Similarly, what could be better than a gallop away from the stresses of life through the countryside and seeing deer, hawks or foxes up close?


If you’re interested in reading the British Horse Society’s report in full, you can find it here.

It is quite a long report but it is genuinely interesting and worth a read if you still don’t believe that riding is a sport!


Our Sponsor’s Latest News!

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I’ve been away, so to make up for it I have some exciting news from our sponsors, Field & Tack! They’ve been very busy recently and have two new events open to all:

1st Birthday Party!

PartyOur sponsor opened their shop this time last year and to celebrate their success, will be hosting a birthday party! On Saturday 12th July, a number of businesses will be attending; including Feed Suppliers, a local Master Saddler, Forever Living, a Rug Cleaner, and Back to Form Equine Rehabilitation. Between 10am-1pm, a local business will be offering worm count testing at a special price, and pets can be microchipped for just £8. Field & Tack will have special offers and discounts on the day, and will be launching their new loyalty card!

There will also be a raffle, face painting, nibbles and drinks (you’ll find me by the nibbles). Perhaps more excitingly, you can enter the Ride For Life fun ride on the day, which leads onto the next part of this post…

Ride For Life Fun Ride

On Sunday 28th September, Field & Tack are hosting a charity fun ride in aid of Cancer Research UK! The ride will begin at Apperley Hall Farm in Gloucestershire, starting at 10am – the last horse is to begin at 1:30pm

The entry fee will be £20, which is to be paid when registering for the ride at Field & Tack. You will then be given a sponsorship form, with which you can raise as much as you’d like! The entry fee will include a t-shirt to be collected on the day of the ride, so please give your size at the time of registering! Field & Tack have set up a Just Giving page where you can send the sponsorship money you have raised. All money raised must be submitted by the 14th October.

Ride For Life

There will also be a fancy dress competition for those who wish to dress in pink! The First Prize of the fancy dress will be a lunch for two at The Swan Inn at Coombe Hill in Gloucestershire.

There will be refreshments for both horse and rider available part way round the fun ride, and there will be hot food available at the start. There will also be a tombola for the younger rider! There will be a jumping field with rustic jumps as kindly supplied by Moores Farm Equestrian Centre made by Just Poles.

If you’re interested in taking part in Field & Tack’s fun ride, please visit the store and register! Registering is open from the 12th July. All money raised will be donated to Cancer Research UK – sadly, we all know someone affected by cancer and it really is time to stamp it out (with hooves)! For those without a horse, Field & Tack are looking for volunteers to help marshal the course so if you’re interested in helping out for the day, let me know!
